目前分類:流浪外地的生活 (28)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2006-07-29 凡事不要太在乎... (115) (0)
2006-07-23 失去了信任...還能再當朋友嗎? (213) (0)
2006-07-08 Graduation Commencement (58) (1)
2006-06-04 寂寞的感覺... (26) (1)
2006-05-21 做惡夢... (9) (0)
2006-05-13 很像台灣的雞蛋布丁 (59) (2)
2006-05-01 切記-2 (13) (0)
2006-04-23 It's not my day!! (8) (2)
2006-03-11 停電一夜大驚魂 (11) (1)
2006-03-10 March 10, 2006 My birthday (9) (0)
2006-03-06 下雪天 (34) (0)
2006-02-19 零下14度C (48) (0)
2006-02-10 大草莓 (7) (2)
2006-02-08 Some thought about Marketing Research Class (37) (0)
2005-07-10 涼拌洋蔥鮪魚 (355) (3)
2005-06-22 涼涼的... (12) (1)
2005-06-17 只剩一科了... (7) (0)
2005-05-27 考試 (5) (1)
2005-05-03 It's time to study!! (16) (1)
2005-05-03 奇怪的夢... (22) (3)
2005-04-23 現在的我家!? (13) (1)
2005-04-20 大笨蛋... (10) (2)
2005-04-11 The last one---final exam!! (5) (0)
2005-03-31 會計行話!! (44) (0)
2005-03-29 Thanks for Joanna's sweet soup!! (11) (4)
2005-03-25 haha...I got my birthday presents from Taiwan today!! (26) (3)
2005-03-22 haha...I finished the first draft of law presentation!! (28) (0)
2005-03-22 Doing research for law presentation!! (5) (1)